One of the biggest and best toys people with a lot of land like to enjoy is an All Terrain Vehicle, or ATV. They are a blast whether you're ripping through a field, the woods or trails. You can take them up mountains or through the mud. But, how old can you be to operate a 4-wheeler as they're also called?

Surprisingly, there is no set age for you to be able to operate one of these machines on your own, however there are some restrictions. In the State of New York you can legally operate an ATV under the age of 15 WITH adult supervision. According to New York State law and the Department of Motor Vehicle website,

You do not need a driver license to operate an ATV in New York State, but certain restrictions apply to operators under age 16.

If you are 15 or 16 years of age, you can operate an ATV under the following circumstances:

  • Under Adult Supervision
  • Without adult supervision on lands owned or leased by your parent or guardian
  • On any lands where ATV use is permitted, without adult supervision, if you have completed an ATV safety training course approved by the DMV. You must carry your course completion certificate when you operate any ATV.

Even more shocking is the loose restriction on children under 15 years of age. According to New York State law, you can operate an ATV at any age really, as long as your being supervised by an adult or on lands owned by the parent or guardian. It's important to note that if you're being supervised by an adult or guardian. The DMV defines an adult or guardian as,

A person at least 18 years of age, or a person 16 or 17 years of age who holds an ATV safety course completion certificate from the ATV Safety Institute (ASI).

You can sign up and take the safety course you can visit or call 1-800-887-2887. Safety is ALWAYS a priority and parents need to be aware of the dangers of these machines. Helmets and proper training on handling is always a must. Never drink and ride!

Watch out for These 7 Creatures That Can Hide in Your Car in New York

Warmer temperatures means more wild animals will be out and about - and some of them might wind up in your car. While some may be seeking the warmth that's radiating from your engine, others may be enticed by the smell of food if you have a tendency to snack while driving.

Here's the critters that are most likely to show up uninvited under the hood of your car - or worse - inside your vehicle if you're not careful.

Gallery Credit: Megan

These 25 Rejected New York License Plates Sure Are Classy

The New York Department of Motor Vehicles rejected over 3,000 vanity plate applications in 2023. Reasons included obscenity, references to sexual or intimate body parts, or because they could be confused as an official plate.

Some of these plates are NSFW.

Gallery Credit: Megan

The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in New York for 2024

The National Insurance Crime Bureau recently ranked the states with the worst vehicle theft problems and said New York placed seventh highest overall. Vehicle thefts hit a record high in 2023 and the pace isn't slowing down in 2024.

According to the NICB, these are the vehicles thieves in New York are going after the most.

Gallery Credit: Megan

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